So I know I haven't been there lately. Things have just been too busy for you and me time. Dinner sometime maybe? Greek? Saw you twice in one day after not seeing you at all for 2 months. I want to express something outloud without sounding like I always sound. People in Charlotte I have noticed are not loyal. There are very few people I would trust to hold my bobby-pin let alone my secrets. I have noticed you are a very strong woman and you often let people walk all over you, and you know it. You deserve better...the best. You deserve a friend like Keba or someone you can atleast trust with a man friend. It sucks not being able to trust your best friend and a potential bf or lover to be in the same room together without worrying about them jumping each-others bones. That was one of the things that has bothered me in my past with a certain person. Just for the dier need for attention she will risk the factor of loosing or hurting a bestie. Is it really worth it? Stand up and say you like him or your not comfortable with them together. It sucks to see she is mistreating you like this. I often think its funny how much she wants to fit in and be just like you, its kind of crazyness. I think its funny that she has changed completly into a mini you. But hey thats a complement bc you are one cool chick and to be besties with you would be great bc you are in turn one of the only loyal people here in charlotte. I think its cute she wants a sleeve now and wants you car and has changed her style to be you. hey, after all envy is the greatest form of a complement. flattering even. But do not take this as a hit to her but as a warning for you to keep your mind open and your heart protected. Because what is close to you could be something she can steal. Nothing to some people is off limits in the game of love. I really don't know why im writing this. It's just something about this situation got under my skin yesterday. Maybe for the fact that you are the better friend in this case. Putting aside you feelings once again and letting someone else have a try. Bc you have put your feelings aside numerous times in order for other people to be happy. Well its time for you to be happy. Sometimes its okay to be a bitch and say "move bitch get out the way" and go on a date with a guy even if it doesn't lead to anything; you will know that you have tried and taken a chance on him.
Im probably babbling at this point...and it probably has something to do with being 8 in the morning and I've been up since 7.
Dinner sometime maybe?
p.s. not blogging. this is blocked just for you sunshine.